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Chris Pither confirmed to leave PremiAir

New Zealand driver Chris Pither will depart PremiAir Racing at the end of this season, the squad has confirmed.

An inaugural driver for the squad this season, Pither will contest the remaining rounds on the Gold Coast and Adelaide before departing the team at season’s end.

It comes after foundation teammate Garry Jacobson was replaced mid-season by James Golding ensuring the new squad will enter 2023 with an entirely new line-up.

It is believed Tim Slade is earmarked to take one of the squad’s seats to matched with a young driver as despite strong performances in the past few rounds, Golding is not guaranteed to hold his place as Bathurst Wildcard Declan Fraser has entered contention.

In a statement released by the operation, team owner Peter Xiberras explained the decision.

“It is no secret that things came together very quickly at the start of the 2022 season for us as a new team,” Xiberras said.

“Chris’ input with his knowledge of the car as we created a whole new program while jumping straight into events was much appreciated.

“While we may not be working together following the conclusion of the current season, we wish Chris all the best and look forward to racing him in the future.”

Team Principal Matt Cook added: “Supercar racing is a team effort and Chris came to PremiAir Racing with valuable knowledge,” Cook said.

“[He] has been an integral part of our development across the year, and his commitment to striving for results is commendable.

“We thank him for all of his efforts across the year as we have raced around the country, and we wish him all the best.”